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Pictures from a trip to Joensuu
In June 2000 we went on a trip to a bus exhibition in Joensuu with a Finnish bus enthusiasts' assiciation. Here are a few pictures we took along the way.
The pictures are links to larger versions.
Kesäkuussa olimme SLHS:n retkellä Joensuun bussinäyttelyyn. Tässä hieman kuvia matkan varrelta.
Kuvat ovat linkkejä suurempiin versioihin.
Volvo B 58 / Kutter 8, Sundqvist Buss (ÅL-45)
The association's bus that took us to Joensuu. This bus is from 1975.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 105kt)
Volvo B 58 / Kutter 8, Sundqvist Buss (ÅL-45)
The other side of the same bus.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 146kt)
Volvo B 58 / Kutter 8, Sundqvist Buss (ÅL-45)
The driver's seat of a the Kutter-Volvo.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 116kt)
Volvo B 58 / Kutter 8, Sundqvist Buss (ÅL-45)
This is the engine of the bus. The cover was opened to replace a proken part in the oil system.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 70kt)
Volvo B10MA / Wiima N 201, Porvoon Liikenne (UMS-842)
A slightly drooped articulated bus in the Porvoon liikenne depot.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 127kt)
Volvo B10M / Wiima K 202, Liikenne 144
This ex-Liikenne Wiima K202 was being painted in Porvoo for a transfer to Jyväskylä.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 77kt)
Volvo B 58-60 / KL 4, Kuopion Liikenne 44 (KAO-263)
This bus had just been restored by the association and returned to its original Kuopion Liikenne -livery. On show in the Joensuu exhibition.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 85kt)
Diesel engine Dv12, VR 2526
In dual-pull at the Joensuu station.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 60kt)
Steam engine Tk3 Pikku-Jumbo (Little-Jumbo) Lili, 1168
Preparing to depart from Porvoo station. A Finnish page about the restoration of this engine.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 139kt)
Steam engine Tk3 Pikku-Jumbo Lili, 1168
Accelerating from Porvoo station.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 115kt)
Scania K112 / Kutter Deca 320, Elimäen Liikenne 1 (BFR-256)
Being cleaned in the depot yard.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 77kt)
Scania K112 / Kutter 9, Elimäen Liikenne 8 (RJK-411)
With a Lahti Flyer 520 in the background.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 136kt)
Scania K112 / Kutter 9, Elimäen Liikenne 8 (RJK-411)
The same from behind in front of the depot building.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 82kt)
Scania L94 IB 4x2 / Lahti Flyer 520, Elimäen Liikenne
The controls of the newest bus owned by Elimäen Liikenne at the time.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 6/2000
(a large picture, 91kt)