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Buses and pictures:
by manufacturer
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Pictures from the side of the road
This page contains random shots of buses and other vahicles we have encountered.
The pictures are links to larger versions.
Mercedes-Benz Cito, (MYF-162)
An access bus from Turku on display at a local transport event in Dipoli, Espoo.
Kuva: Lauri Pitkänen, 9/2000
(iso kuva, 109kt)
Mercedes-Benz Travego, Ventoniemi 55 (ZIX-106)
The Mercedes bus flagship at the Bus Station in Helsinki.
Kuva: Niko Setälä, 3/2001
(iso kuva, 127kt)
Neoplan N 516 SHD Starliner, Lindholm Lines
Another, slightly more futuristic, luxury bus.
Kuva: Niko Setälä, 3/2001
(iso kuva, 118kt)
Scania L94 UB 4x2 / Lahti 402, HKL-Bussiliikenne 43
The right front wheel with icicles.
Kuva: Niko Setälä, 3/2001
(iso kuva, 130kt)
Mini-ExpressBus, Tuusulan Linja Oy (Korsisaari) 91 (JCL-647)
The smallest ExpressBus in Finland? Also the only EB-route operated by Korsisaari, a feeder route for the Tuusula motorway
Kuva: Niko Setälä, 7/2001
(iso kuva, 89kt)
Neoplan Starliner, a German travel agency
The Germans have added a trailer to a bogie bus. A rarely seen combination in Finland.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 7/2001
(a large picture, 86kt)
Variotram-low floor tram, HKL-Raitioliikenne 205
Northbound along Mannerheimintie on route 10.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 7/2001
(a large picture, 90kt)
Man Waggon-Union sightseeing bus
This open-top double decker is used for sightseeing tours in the center of Helsinki.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 7/2001
(a large picture, 104kt)
Mercedes-Benz Integro, Ventoniemi 2 (MYF-448)
The Mercedes interurban bus on a U-route.
Picture: Niko Setälä, 7/2001
(a large picture, 89kt)