Bus facts and pictures mostly from Austria. These pages also contain other material related to public transport. In German and English.
Stavanger Bus Page Buses from Stavanger, Norway and general knoweledge about the local traffic. A classic of the trade. Trams and buses from across Europe since 1996.
Lauri Rädyn joukkoliikennesivu Bus sightings and pictures from the Helsinki metropolitan area. Contains annual lists of new buses to the region. In Finnish. News and information about buses in Denmark. In Danish.
Nekalan halli A bus page centered around the Pirkanmaa region. In Finnish.
Nordlundin liikennesivut Precise information especially about Sisu and Scania, but also Volvo in Finland. Also contains pictures of trains and trams and the Helsinki and Stockolm metros. In Finnish and Swedish.
Paikallisliikennesivut A picture catalogue of the bus models used in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Also lists the amount of buses needed for different routes. In Finnish.
Postin bussivarikko Pictures of buses owned by the Finnish postal service in the 60's to 90's. In Finnish.