Buses and pictures:
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2000 news archive[2004, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998] News from the year 2000. Linkpage re-arranged and updatedThe linkpage has been divided to three categories and the links have been updated. I have also updated the buses by operator list. Niksu, 16.12.2000 Pictures availableThe pictures are now availabe again, but the list pages are in Finnish as I haven't had time to translate them yet. Some pictures are also unavailable as they were at least temporarily lost during the overhauling of the picture directory structures. I'll try to find the missing pictures, translate the lists and update the links-page(s) as soon as possible. Late, 19.9.2000 Structure updatingWe're updating the directory structures of the pictures for a while now, and pictures might be unavailable for some time. Sorry for any inconvenience this could cause. Niksu, 31.8.2000 Two links and a correctionI added (Finnish only) links to Ajokkinet and Nekalan halli. I also corrected yesterdays news item in which I mistakenly said that Linjebuss was previously Espoon Auto in stead of Vantaan Liikenne. The bus list by operators has been correct all the time. Thanks to J. Nordlund for spotting the error. Late, 25.8.2000 A change of namesLinjebuss (previously Vantaan Liikenne) has changed its name to Connex starting 24.8. Apparently Vivendi wants to have all of its public transport companies under one name. I changed the bus list by operators to reflect this change. I'll try to update the picture pages to the new format already in use in the Finnish version as soon as possible. Late, 24.8.2000 Bus list by operator updatedI have corrected the bus list by operators more up-to-date, adding more buses to some operators. Updates to the bus introductions are coming shortly. Niksu, 19.8.2000 Buses go to winter timetablesOn August 14th the public transportation started to use the winter timetables, as schools started. Many new bus routes have been established and many others have new operators. A great deal of new buses have been spotted and are being reported here, as soon as we have time to translate all the introductions of all the buses. Some are still in Finnish, but most are in English by today. Niksu, 18.8.2000 New picturesI brought this English version up to speed with the Finnish one in picture matters. There are now new pictures of the Lahti 402, Volvo 7000, Ikarus E94 bogie, City U, Citu U articulated, Renault Agora Standard, Mercedes-Benz O 405 N CNG, Wiima M310 and City L. I also made new sections for interior photos and photos of hatches / chassis. There are still piles of pictures waiting to be scanned. Late, 25.7.2000 Minor additionsI corrected a link to Suomen Turistiauto and added places for the Renault Agora Standard and Carrus City L bogie CNG. I'm afraid I haven't had much time to work on these pages lately as I only really use a computer at work. I just set up my work computer for working on these pages so the situation might improve if I have spare time at work. Late, 27.6.2000 Links and spottingsI added and corrected some links. More new HKL's Lahti 402's have been spotted, bus number 9 on route 18 and bus number 13 on regional route 731. Niksu, 24.5.2000 Westendin linja tests a Renault citybusWestendin linja in co-operation with STA has a new Renault Agora citybus in testing on route 13 in Espoo. It's going to be tried out for a couple of weeks. This fully low floor bus has one step at the rear door, a 2+2+2 door configuration and - in Mid-European style - few seats but lots of standing space. For Finnish conditions, more seats will have to be installed, but I believe the testing concentrates on technical matters. The bus was on test plates, number A-8522. We'll have pictures of the bus shortly. Niksu, 22.5.2000 HKLs new Lahti 402's in trafficAccording to information from Juhana Nordlund HKL placed its first new Lahti 402 into traffic on tuesday the 16th. The route in question was 50 and the bus was number 11. Bus number 10 was presumably placed into traffic today on route 32 starting from Etelä-Haaga at 19:43. We happened to be at the depot as the bus left and boarded the bus on its first trip. We rode in the front seats all the way to Kamppi. No complaints on the smoothness of the ride, but the registration papers weren't visible so we don't have any details on the bus. The interior was rather formal, but the seats had thicker cushions than most HKL buses. There is a ready space for the Buscom Proximity Reader in the bus. We'll have pictures available soon. Late & Niksu, 17.5.2000, at 21:10 Pictures and minor adjustmentsI added few pictures, two Carrus pics and one Mercedes. I also corrected some translations on the picture pages. Niksu, 12.5.2000 Pictures and sightingsI added two pictures of HKL's new Lahti 402 to the appropriate page and added pictures of the Ikarus E 95 and the Carrus K202 LPG. There were also two new Lahti 402s, 11 and 12 parked at Ruskeasuo today. Number 10 is probably somewhere near as well, unless it is undergoing tests or being displayed somewhere else. Late, 11.5.2000 More details on the new HKL busesThe new Lahti bears the number 9 (sic) and is the first of a series of five buses (9 - 13). It is a rather sleek looking specimen as its large windows make it look a darker shade of blue than usual. I took some pictures on friday and I'll try to get permission to take some more inside the depot on monday. In any case the pictures should be here by wednesday. Some of this yers Volvo 7000s have apparently also arrived in Vartiokylä. Late, 7.5.2000 A new HKL bus spottedA brand new Scania N94UB4x2 / Lahti 402 was parked in front of the HKL Ruskeasuo depot today. We'll try to test ride it as soon as possible. Late, 4.5.2000 Concordia Bus has a new livery
Niksu, 11.4.2000 New company addedI added the Westendin Linja -company to the "Buses by operator" -page. Niksu, 5.4.2000 New picture arrangementsI separated the picture pages by manufacturer. No new pictures were added, though. I'll try to get a picture of the Concordia Bus livery as soon as I can. Mentions of Stagecoach will gradually change to Concordia Bus over time. Late, 29.3.2000 Link changes and an update on Concordia BusesI changed at least most of the outgoing link to open in the same window. At least three buses (2xCity L, 1xIkarus) have appeared into traffic in the Concordia Buses livery. More will probably follow shortly and Concordia has promised to update its home pages soon. Late, 23.3.2000 feedback works againI fixed the feedback form, added the pages to Yahoo and added a counter that can be seen on the front page. The Finnish and English versions have separate counters. Nixu has added some buses to the operators list in the Finnish version and I'll bring those additions over as soon as I have time. As a personal sidenote I'm taking my matriculation exam/A-levels/whatever you call them in a few weeks, so I probably won't do much updating for a while. Late, 3.2.2000
Lahden Autokori strikes back Lahden Autokori is now also represented on the net. Both of the large Finnish body manufacturers now have home pages. Late
Changes The section on operators has now been removed and replaced by a list of buses sorted according to the operator. The operator pages were not very informative and they were also rarely updated, so we decided that this would be the best solution, as we can now better concentrate on the main thing: buses. Some facts on the different operators will probably added to the list by operators in the near future. Late
Links I added links to the home pages of Carrus and Suomen raitiotieseura (The Finnish Tram Association). A bunch of changes to these pages that have already been finished for the Finnish version should be complete in the next few days. The visible changes will include removal of the operator introductions and the addition of a bus list sorted according to the operator. Late
Writings I finally added the text section, although it doesn't contain anything new. Instead i moved a few other documents there. Late [Up] |