Buses and pictures:
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Buses by operator[Concordia Bus, Connex, Etelä-Suomen Linjaliikenne, HKL-Bussiliikenne, Liikenne, Lähilinjat, Metsälän Linja, Pohjolan Liikenne, P. Tyllilän Linja, Suomen Turistiauto, Tammelundin Liikenne, Westendin Linja, Åbergin Linja] The this page the buses are sorted according to their operator. Under each operator we have listed all the models that we know of. The picture pages can be accessed via the introductions or directly from the list by manufacturer. Operators:Concordia Bus, ex-Stagecoach, ex-Swebus, ex-Espoon Auto / TransBus. Now owned by Norwegians.
[Up] Connex, ex-Linjebuss, ex-Vantaan liikenne, is part of an international public transport consortium owned by the French company Vivendi-Universal.
[Up] [Up] HKL-Bussiliikenne, the bus unit of the Helsinki City Transport Department. The largest operator in the region with over 350 buses. HKL's fleet contains the best selection of new and interesting buses in the region.
[Up] Keskuslinja, is a small operator that subcontracts for Concordia. [Up] Liikenne Oy ended its operations from the beginning of June 2001 after losing all but one of its routes. A few Carrus City remain in the region after being relocated inside the Koiviston Auto -group to Lähilinjat. The rest of the buses were shipped to other towns.
[Up] Lähilinjat is the only flag-bearer of the Koiviston Auto -group in the region.
[Up] Metsälän linja Oy ended its operations from the beginning of june 2001 after losing 69, its only own route. The newest two Ikaruses were sold to HKL. The fate of the rest of the fleet is currently unknown. [Up] Pohjolan Liikenne, or more precisely Pohjolan Kaupunkiliikenne is part of a nation-wide bus group.
[Up] P. Tyllilän Linja Oy is a private company that mainly operates charter buses. [Up] The Suomen Turistiauto -also contains Pääkaupunkiseudun linjaliikenne, that operates under the name Pääkaupunkilinjat.
[Up] Tammelundin Liikenne subcontracts for HKL on routes 16, 23, 55(A) and 62 using CNG buses. [Up] Westendin Linja subcontracts routes for Linjebuss and HKL with a rather extraordinary fleet. In addition to ten completely new low floored buses quite a few buses have been bought from other operators and a various buses have been leased.
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